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November 10, 2012

Workforce Infographic: Workforce Planning Study

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Workforce planning can decrease an organization’s exposure to the challenges and concerns from uncertain economic times. Knowing how to close the gap between current employees and future potential new hires can be the difference in executing an effective strategy for planning. Ensuring companies employ the right talent with the required skills using cost and time analysis leads to future growth and execution for corporate strategy. It’s important to understand the size and scope of organizations as well as the make-up of the employees, upper management and directors.

The infographic shows the challenges and statistics facing corporations when there is economic uncertainty and how workforce planning can make a difference once changes bring certainty back. Some key points are:

• The forecast for employee growth is relatively stagnant for businesses due to an unstable economy. Lower demand for products and services as well as political uncertainty factor into employee growth. • Only 26 percent of employers say they are very confident they can meet customer satisfaction and require the right number of employees with the right skills to perform in order to meet the needs of the customer. • It can take almost 1 year for new employees to become highly productive and competent at their job. 41% of employers take 3-5 months to even gage employee job competency. • Auditing and evaluating employees is higher for organizations that practice workforce planning.

Human Resources training can help businesses focus and form strategies for workforce planning so the organization is prepared during both certain and uncertain times. Understanding and evaluating the organizations current employees along with providing human resources with firing hr training can help with recruitment of new talent to bring confidence and job knowledge to the company.


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